Clarification needed on config file explanation: messages vs. campaigns per queue

The latest config.php states:

max messages to process

if there are multiple messages in the queue, set a maximum to work on

define(‘MAX_PROCESS_MESSAGE’, 999);

Are messages “campaigns” or the literal meaning of “messages” as in “emails”?

This is confusing.

Please be more specific.

@pancakehollow yes it is confusing, but the documentation should help clarify. Is this enough:

Please update the explanation as you see fit.

All references to messages where campaigns are really meant should be replaced in the database schema and PHP scripts, but that’s a big job that has been repeatedly postponed.

Thank you for the link. That does clarify it - it means how many campaigns to process. It’s an easy fix just replace the config.php explanation to state campaigns, not messages.

@pancakehollow Agreed. Is that something you could submit via a pull request?

Well here is where I’m pretty dumb - I really don’t know how to use github or what a pull request means.

@pancakehollow OK, in that case we need an issue reported so that someone else can make the change and associate it with a future release. How about briefly stating the problem in a bug report here?:

Hmmm… the reporting software at doesn’t seem to want me to report anything. when I attempt to login with my correct credentials I receive the message: “The provided information does not match any registered account!”. So when I then attempt to create a new account with my existing account name it then states “That email is already being used. Please go back and select another one.” Then when I attempt to retrieve the password it states “The provided information does not match any registered account!”. Attempting to login anonymously does not provide an evident way to post anything. . .